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22 Day Frequency Expansion
Has Now Closed.



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Hi, I'm Clardy Malugen, block buster, miracle strategist, and frequency hacker.

I'm excited to be your personal guide for a 22 Day journey into your amazing new life.

You'll feel lighter, more focused, more joyful, and fully committed to living from an entirely new paradigm of magnificence, wealth, and joy.

In only 22 days. 

"Clardy’s gift is exceptionally rare. No healer that I know personally or have ever observed is able to access this pure, white light energy like Clardy.
She is unique and her work is remarkable."

Dr. Igor Nazarov
PhD Chemical Physics, MD Experimental Nuclear Physics
Moscow Institue of Technology

"Every time I work with Clardy, I emerge as a new being. Old habits, blocks, and patterns miraculously pop up to be healed and released. All it takes commitment to yourself. "

Patty Pauletto
Oceanside, CA

"Clardy's work is amazing. So much light and love. And it really moves things fast. I have never experienced anything that works this fast."

Arianna Paul

During your 22 Day Expansion,

we'll laser-focus in 3 ways to help the Authentic You take charge...

  • We'll unearth and observe  negative thoughts and self-defeating patterns that have kept you safe and stuck in stress, anxiety and chaos.
  • We'll utilize the latest research in neuroplasticity, behavior adaptation, and energy management to activate and release your blocks--as we create healthy new behaviors and habits.
  • And the secret'll be bathed in the loving, high-frequency quantum energies of Source Field Activation...all day, every you powerfully begin to Remember Who You Are. 
  • When Day 22 rolls around, you'll be naturally operating from a higher frequency where you'll find it easy to get focused and enjoy your delightful, supercharged new life.

"This 22 Day program was exactly the boost that I needed to start actually living my Life Purpose. "

Carol Ransom
New York

"I am remembering who I am. Truly. Remembering my strength, where it came from and how I used it to make those necessary changes in my life when I needed to. I can't believe how far off the grid I actually was. Wow. I guess that's what happens when you start remembering who you are. I now know my next best steps and am not afraid to take them."

Deiana Thomas

Here's what you get in your
Frequency Expansion Package:

22 Day Frequency Expansion Membership Vault  ($597 Value)

You'll enjoy 24/7 access to our private members-only portal from your desktop, mobile phone, ipad, or notebook. Here's where you'll find your tools, downloads, and assignments. Everything is clearly laid out for you, so you'll always know where everything is and what to do next. Simply do each day's quick assignment ... and get ready to watch your life transform. 

Blast-Off Webinar ($197 Value)

Join me on Day One for a fun, supercharged Welcome Webinar. You'll learn details about your next 22 days--and get a change to say hello to your new friends. 


Personalized Miracle Mantra ($197 Value)

On Day 1, you'll receive a very special affirmation that's been proven to help manifest conscious miracles. We'll use it to create a done-for-you Miracle Mantra graphic and help you supercharge it online. Focus on it a few times every day, and get ready for the miracles.

Private Facebook Blockbusting & Coaching Lab ($597 Value)

During your Expansion experience, you're invited to hang out in our fun private Facebook group. We'll be unraveling some of those pesky unconscious patterns, celebrating your successes, and supporting you every day in your expansion process.

You'll also get these powerful Frequency Expansion Accelerators

-- an added value of over $888

"Remember Who You Are"
Meditation MP3 ($97 Value)

This powerful high-frequency meditation, which features multiple levels of quantum energies, will remind you that you are a divinely magnificent and powerful being. You'll experience it unwind, relax, and remember who you are.  

"Stepping Up into Your New Life" Activation MP3  ($97 Value)

Designed to be used while walking, this high-energy audio activation features multiple layers of supercharged frequencies and will get you moving quickly into your new life! 

Unlimited Frequency Oasis Access (Value: $497)

The Frequency Oasis is an energetic field of light that has been created specifically for your Frequency Expansion Group.  You'll have access to tap into this powerful field any time, day or night, to chill out or supercharge your frequency. Ahhhhh...

BONUS: 4 LIVE Group Coaching Calls

-- an added value of over $797

Four Live Group Coaching Calls ($797 Value)

Each week, we'll gather LIVE to share successes and miracle updates. I'll coach you step-by-step through your expansion process, using the same processes that I use with my high-level private clients.

We'll shift negative energies, move past blocks, and get back to the Light...together. All in a safe, loving space of high-frequency energy.

Can't make it to a live call? No worries. Audio replays are available 24/7 and you're invited to send questions in advance, if you like.

When you sign-up, you'll join thousands of individuals worldwide who have already experienced the power of  Source Field Activation: 

"This program helped me tremendously. Changing your foundational frequency in 22 days might sound unbelievable but this program does exactly that! I remember looking at the mantra that was created for me in the beginning, and thinking…”It would be so nice if this could happen.” I couldn’t see how that was even possible for me. Now, I’m living it every day—naturally. "

Naoko Kadoya
Tokyo, Japan

"22 days flew by at supersonic speed. I am much more focused, peaceful, powerful and confident. The program is just brilliant and well worth the investment. It has great content, great people and powerful energy. All you need to do is to allow yourself the possibility of being more of who you truly are. Just simply open that door."

Vadim Saveliev

"This course is magical. I feel truly reborn. I love Clardy's “sniper fire” ability to clear out what no longer serves you. She gets to the root the matter. Fast. I can feel it. My life has changed so much with her work. Living an abundant life has become a way of “being”. It is experiential. I now enjoy the most wonderful relationship, and a new career. I am experiencing such love, joy and peace—and am amazed at my new level of focus and clarity. "

Sue Reed

"Clardy Malugen is a modern day WIZARD! I can see and feel the difference in every cell and every moment! Life is filled with infinite possibilities that I always knew were there, but dared not let myself feel or experience. It's like a veil has lifted! "

Jackie Lapin
Creator, SpeakerTunity and Conscious Media Creations, Los Angeles, CA

"Through the years, I studied lots of alternative healing methods but none of them come close to what Clardy does. If you are serious and want to change your life in a BIG way, connect with Clardy. She is the most loving, most generous and supportive, most gifted mentor/ healer that I have ever experienced. Be prepared though...MIRACLES WILL HAPPEN."

Patty Pauletto
Alternative Avenues, Oceanside, CA

Frequently Asked Questions

A remote energy transmission is similar to the energy work that Clardy does during the Miracle Zone Activations. As a participant, you will have created an intention. Your energy field and your intention will be part of a group transmission daily. This transmission is designed to help release blocks, while raising your foundational frequency.

Yes, all calls are recorded and replays are available 24/7 from most devices. You may also submit questions in advance of calls and your questions will be answered during the call.

About Clardy

Clardy Malugen, MFA, MA, creator of the Frequency Formula and author of "Let's Manifest Miracles!", is a paradigm-shifter, miracle strategist, internationally-acclaimed master healer, and master teacher in the realm of behavior adaptation and consciousness expansion.

Truly a master at "block-busting", Clardy believes that the path to true freedom lies in the release of unconscious patterns and energy blocks. During her life-changing online classes and live events, Clardy works with transdimensional energy frequencies to facilitate the spontaneous release of physical and emotional blocks, while simultaneously delivering laser-like insights and cutting-edge transformational tools. Her work can lead clients to release energetic blocks at the level of the DNA and merge with their "innate magnificence", an energy state where they can easily manifest joyful, balanced, miraculous lives.  

Source Field Activation, her remarkable energy healing modality, has astonished international physicists and medical professionals while profoundly transforming the lives of thousands of individuals across the globe. Most participants report feeling "lighter" and more connected to their true purpose. Although Clardy is not a medical practitioner of any kind, her unique work with energetic frequencies has been credited with the release of deep-seated emotional traumas, as well as physical disorders such as fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, IBS, candida, herniated disks, neck and knee injuries, pneumonia, bronchitis, smoking addiction, and many others. 
Additional info is available at .


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