Fed Up with
Feeling Weighed Down?

Give me 28 days to help you
release your blocks and clear your energy.

You'll feel lighter, more joyful, and excited about the new future
we'll be creating for you!


Are you feeling anxious and worried?

Is your head is full of negative chatter about the future?

Feeling sluggish and out of shape?

How about clutter? Is it clogging the energy around you?

Negative people dragging you down? 

I could go on and on. But we’d be here for hours, and frankly – you know exactly what I’m talking about, right?

The truth is: you’re bogged down, stuck – and fed up.  You're ready for a change--in a BIG way!

That’s why I’m thrilled you’re here. Because the bottom line (and the really good news) is…

You don’t have to continue to sabotage your success by fighting these old battles and burdens. You can simply release them – and then use your newfound energy to focus on what you really want in life.

All it takes is 28 Days! (Really!)










Hi, I’m Clardy Malugen. I’m the author of Let’s Manifest Miracles! and a Block Buster. My entire life has been focused on helping people get clear and get moving into truly miraculous lives…

And a huge part of that process is releasing everything that’s holding you back...including those pesky unconscious blocks. And yes, they are running your life right now and you don't even know it. 

During the 28-Day Release-a-thon, starting January 25th, I’ll lead you through a simple no-nonsense process to clear your energy and your life--and we'll be using the magic of high-frequency energies to supercharge your process!  In less than a month, you'll shift from negativity into creating miracles--and enjoy every minute! You'll be able to let go of the things that have held you back--and get on track quickly to a powerful new life!  

"“Wow! This stuff really works. On Thursday night, I released a huge volunteer commitment into which I was investing many hours each week. By end of business on Friday, I had 3 jobs come in that will represent at least $6-8K in new business. The previous time I took the 28-Day Releaseathon, I did one of the homework assignments … and the next day received an unexpected and unsolicited ongoing coaching assignment that puts an extra $1K in my bank account each month. I can’t wait for the next Releaseathon!” "

Jenny Hamby
Hamby Communications, SeminarMarketingPro.com, Chicago, IL

28-Day Release-a-thon program,
I'll lead you through an easy-to-follow process so that you can get lighter in EVERY way.

When you participate, you'll:

âś“ Get clear on one important thing that you’d like to manifest in your life—and get moving to consciously create even more miracles!

âś“ Experience the amazing power of high-frequency energy activations, guaranteed to take your energy to an entirely new level.

âś“ Develop a healthier, more positive outlook toward food and exercise, as you replace outdated habits with healthy, empowering new thoughts and actions.

âś“ Watch your confidence and energy level skyrocket (a natural side effect of releasing your way back into your true power!).

âś“ Look and feel better than you can imagine. Successful participants have let go of the negative people in their lives, the junk in the bottom drawer, and lots more. We’ve even had participants who have released over 10 pounds—in just 28 days! (We don’t promise weight loss, of course--it just seems to happen naturally for many participants during this program!)

âś“ Enjoy the whole process! The course is simply LOTS of fun. And you'll love all of your new friends from all over the world!

""The 28-Day Release-a-thon has not only helped me release physical clutter at home and in my work space, but more importantly it helped me release old patterns and beliefs that were keeping me stuck. It was amazingly quick and easy. I studied the Law of Attraction for years, along with a lot of other alternative methods to healing emotionally and physically but none of them came close to what Clardy does. Her work goes far beyond all of that. If you are serious and want to change your life in a BIG way (financially, emotionally, physically, mentally), if you are ready to wake up and see your old unconscious behaviors and patterns that keep you stuck and unhappy, AND get first class help to move beyond what is blocking you from your magnificence, connect with Clardy. She is the most loving, most generous and supportive, most gifted vibrational energy healer/coach/teacher that I have ever experienced. I am so grateful to her because now I know how magnificent I really am. Be prepared though...MIRACLES WILL HAPPEN."

Patty Pauletto
Oceanside, CA

""I just want to say a big THANK YOU! I have gotten my mojo back and my relationship with my husband has improved by leaps and bounds. It's so lovely to have my charming husband back! He has been so much more attentive, complimentary, and just plain fun!" "

Francine Landry
Your Best Life Now!, Toronto

"To say the 28 Day Release-a-thon is “transformative” is a huge understatement! I went into the 28 days with a sense of eagerness and fun--thinking I would at the very least finish up with a clean house. I had no idea that it would actually launch me into a new “realm of being”. The miracles I observed as I let go of my blocks and clutter continue to happen. The sense of myself, which was buried in my “mess”, has re-emerged and gained in strength and power. I feel lighter in every area of my life. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to release their "caca", unleash their potential and find a sense of joyful balance in their life!” "

Sheryl Meyer
Wellness in the Park, Naturalis, LLC., Winter Park, FL

The "Priceless" Transformation

Think for a minute about everything that's weighing you down...

 … clutter, extra weight, toxic relationships, even your own self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. 

And think about the physical, mental and emotional tolls these anchors are taking on your health, peace of mind and energy.  

What would it be worth to you to make those obstacles disappear – poof – in the next 28 days?  

If you’re like most people I work with, the answer is “Priceless.” Because trying to move through life dragging these burdens is downright exhausting.  

So now you have a choice to make.  

You could choose to stay stuck where you are … perpetually frustrated by not being able to reach your goals and feeling utterly drained by life.  

You could choose to spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars taking seminars, buying books, and hiring coaches, consultants and therapists to sort through and tackle each challenge one by one.  

Or you could choose to join me and a cool group of Release-a-thoners to master the fastest, easiest, most joyful way of clearing your path – by simply releasing all that’s holding you back.  

When you consider that your life could be transformed within just 28 days, your small investment could truly be the best money you’ve ever spent!

What's Inside the 28 Day Release-a-thon?

Kick-Off Webinar ($97 Value)

It all starts with getting you clearly focused on exactly what you'll be doing for the next 28 days. We don't do chaos, so you'll know exactly what your first steps are. You'll learn everything you need to know about the program, and get tips and secrets for big success. I'll answer your questions and get you focused on creating your very own personal release plan.

The 28 Day Release-a-thon Membership Vault ($497 Value)

You'll have 24/7 access to our private members-only portal. It's your "HOME" throughout the Release-a-thon--and you'll have access from your desktop, mobile phone, notebook, or iPad. Here's where you’ll find all of your powerful lessons, simple assignments and easy-to-use tools. I’ve broken this proven releasing process into easy-to-follow steps. Simply do each day’s quick assignment (most take less than 10 minutes) … and watch your life transform. 

Let's Manifest Miracles - E-book
($16 Value)

Download your copy and learn to manifest from the heart! You'll discover how the Universe works to fill the "orders" that you're placing, how to protect your energy in a negative world, and lots more.

Miracle Mantra Square
($30 Value)

We'll keep you focused on the prize with your very own "Made for You" Miracle Mantra Square, featuring your vision for the program. This simple commitment will keep you and your energy on track in so many ways!

You'll also get 3 powerful
Miracle Zone Accelerators

-- an additional value of over $325

Plugging into the Light
($30 Value)

Effortlessly raise your frequency and get back to the light ANY TIME with these TWO powerful meditations. The 20 minute version provides a relaxing trip to the "Miracle Zone", where anything is possible. Enjoy the 5 minute version for a quick recharge during the day.

Texts from the Universe
($97 Value)

We like continuity and so does The Universe! :)  So...The Universe will be surprising you with fun, inspirational messages to keep you focused on letting go of everything that's not working in your life. They always seem to magically show up at the most appropriate times!

Private Facebook Group
($200 Value)

You'll enjoy daily updates and coaching with  your 28 Day membership to the private RELEASE-A-THON Facebook Group--and we might just unravel some of those unconscious patterns of yours. ;) You'll be communicating with me and your new "friends for life", while we celebrate your successes daily and support you in your clearing/miracle-making process. You're going to love all of your new friends...and the power of this community is amazing. :)

Plus LIVE Coaching and...
The Secret Sauce :)

-- valued at over $690!

Four LIVE Coaching Calls
($497 Value)

Every week, we'll gather LIVE to share successes. I'll coach you step-by-step through your release process, using the same processes that I use with my high-level private clients. Can't make it to a live call? No worries. Recordings are available 24/7 and you can send questions in advance.


Movin' and Makin' Miracles! 
$197 Value)

There's a good reason that we call Movin' and Makin' Miracles the "secret sauce" of the Release-a-thon. It's incredibly powerful--and lots of fun! You're going to love it! 

You’ll listen to this 20-minute frequency-enhanced audio each day. It’s specifically designed to be listened to while exercising (we recommend walking).

While your body is moving to the beat (releasing stress, tension, toxins and even weight in the process), you'll be receiving motivational messages both consciously and subliminally--AND two levels of multi-dimensional frequencies.  Movin' & Makin' Miracles will motivate you mind and soul, open the door for you to release emotional blocks – and supercharge your energy to a higher level.

PLUS... you'll also get a 5 minute version, and subliminal-only versions of both.  Yep, FOUR different "Movin" mp3's--all included at no additional charge. 

PLUS....Take Action Now

You'll Get A Free Bonus Worth Another $100

BONUS:  Release-a-thon MARATHON!

Value:  $100

This special event is a crowd-pleaser! You'll join with your new friends from across the planet as you take on the task of clearing energy in your home or office. It's a great way to take on some of those tasks that you've been procrastinating. Whether you choose to clear your emails or clean your garage or organize drawers and shelves, it's always more fun to do it together!

BONUS #2:  Miracle Zone Activation

Value:  $97

Bonus #2 gives you free access to one of our powerful group healing calls. During the calls, I work transdimensional energy that blasts through energetic blocks -- and activates your ability to connect with the "Miracle Zone".  

If you're like most participants, you may notice an instantaneous release and expansion after (or even during) the session. Energized, full of light and laser-focused, you'll find it easier to manifest your #1 goal.  


That's a Value of over $1850 for the entire Release-a-thon Package!

Take advantage of our 
"2021 Kick-Off" Special Offer!

Get Started Today for

only $497
or 2 easy payments of $256!


Plus, Your Delight and Results are Guaranteed -- Or Your Money Back

I am so confident that the 28-Day Release-a-thon will give you clarity, restore balance and unleash your energy, that I’m willing to offer this 100% satisfaction guarantee…  

Enjoy all of the tools and goodies in Welcome Module. Participate in the Kick-off Webinar. Talk with me and meet your new friends during the Kick-Off and on the Secret Facebook Page. If you decide, for any reason, that the 28 Day Release-a-thon isn’t for you, just email us before starting Week One, and we’ll quickly issue a full refund – no problems and no questions asked. And please keep the book as my gift to you!










Join me for the 28-Day Release-a-thon starting January 25, 2021 … and your life will be unrecognizable a month later.

All the things that are keeping you from living the life you want – clutter, overwhelm, draining relationships, extra weight, self-limiting beliefs, you name it – can be released … never to bother you again.  

All you have to do is decide to do it.

If you’re ready to get clear on what you really want to achieve, attract and create in this lifetime…  

If you’re ready to move past the chaos, overwhelm, upset and exhaustion you’re experiencing on a daily basis…  

If you’re ready to say “ENOUGH” to all of your crap and the things that aren’t working in your life…  

Join me for the 28-Day Release-a-thon.

Then prepare to be amazed by the miracles that appear..

Love and light,

P.S. You can get started today for as little as $256 (plus one additional payment of $256 in 2 weeks). And your satisfaction and results are guaranteed.  Reserve your spot now.


About Clardy

Clardy Malugen, MFA, MA, creator of the Frequency Formula and author of "Let's Manifest Miracles!", is a paradigm-shifter, miracle strategist, internationally-acclaimed master healer, and master teacher in the realm of behavior adaptation and consciousness expansion.

Truly a master at "block-busting", Clardy believes that the path to true freedom lies in the release of unconscious patterns and energy blocks. During her life-changing online classes and live events, Clardy works with transdimensional energy frequencies to facilitate the spontaneous release of physical and emotional blocks, while simultaneously delivering laser-like insights and cutting-edge transformational tools. Her work leads clients to release energetic blocks at the level of the DNA and merge with their "innate magnificence", an energy state where they can easily manifest joyful, balanced, miraculous lives.  

Source Field Activation, her remarkable energy healing modality, has astonished international physicists and medical professionals while profoundly transforming the lives of thousands of individuals across the globe. Most participants report feeling "lighter" and more connected to their true purpose. Clardy's unique work has also been credited with the release of deep-seated emotional traumas, as well as physical disorders such as fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, IBS, candida, herniated disks, neck and knee injuries, pneumonia, bronchitis, smoking addiction, and many others.
Additional info is available at www.clardym.com .

Are You Fed Up with Feeling
Weighed Down?


Tired of feeling sluggish and out of shape?

Is clutter clogging up your space...and your energy?

Having trouble turning off all of that
negative chatter in your head?


50% Complete

Shift your energy
and your mood in 5 min.

We'll send the FREE mp3 directly to your inbox.  Get ready for some miracles! :)